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WellPsyche Medical GroupWe are re-educating our staff on the ways that they can contribute to keeping our company compliant and building a culture of compliance through our entire workforce through some fun activities and graphic reminders.

Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network - Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN) launched Compliance and Ethics Week by initiating a daily series of email communications sent to our employees by the Compliance Team. These messages aimed to provide engaging insights into compliance, share noteworthy compliance-related news, and offer interactive games with enticing prizes to actively involve our staff in all aspects of compliance. As a token of our gratitude for their active participation, employees had the opportunity to win exciting prizes. On Day 1, we delved into the history of compliance, introduced the Compliance Team through photos along with descriptions of their roles, and provided an overview of the week's upcoming activities. Day 2 featured a fun fact about the Department of Justice (DOJ) and a Compliance article that highlighted positive compliance efforts in the news. Additionally, we presented a Compliance Scavenger Hunt, encouraging employees to explore our intranet, policies, and website to find answers to a set of questions. Day 3 included another fun fact, a news article related to compliance, and a stimulating Compliance Crossword puzzle to challenge our staff's knowledge. On Day 4, we offered yet another engaging fun fact, shared a compliance-related news article, and featured a photo that guided employees to identify compliance violations. Finally, Day 5 concluded with a special video message from the Compliance Team celebrating the compliance champions within DWIHN.

BerryDunnTo celebrate #CCEW 2023, BerryDunn has developed an external social media campaign, featuring a series of daily LinkedIn posts. From Nov. 5 - 11, 2023, each post will provide a link to one of our subject matter experts, showcasing compliance program effectiveness reviews, clinical documentation auditing and training, independent review organization services, privacy and security analysis, NCQA accredited Credentialing Verification Organization (CVO) services, and payer enrollment services. To showcase #CCEW 2023 within BerryDunn, we'll send a ten-question quiz to all staff on Nov. 6, 2023. To build on last year's success, we'll award prizes in 2023 to the first ten respondents with a perfect score. To quote the motto of our podcast series, Compliance + Ethics = Integrity!

Advocates - We celebrate by having quizzes with prizes and promoting our team mascot.

LW Consulting, Inc - During Corporate Compliance & Ethics week, LW Consulting, Inc. (LWCI) will be celebrating by immersing our team in compliance training and engaging in daily fun activities with exciting prizes up for grabs. It's an opportunity for our team to come together, recognize each other's dedication, and nominate a Compliance Hero who embodies the highest regard for compliance. At LWCI, we are fully committed to providing unrivaled expertise and groundbreaking solutions to overcome the ever-evolving challenges of compliance and risk management that businesses encounter in today's dynamic landscape.

KARL STORZ - As part of our ongoing commitment to ethics and compliance and to upholding our value of integrity in all that we do, KARL STORZ is excited to be supporting Compliance & Ethics Week as an annual initiative. In recognition of this important week, we sent employees daily emails from our dedicated Compliance team, and shared fun and informative material to help educate and raise awareness of ethics and compliance resources. Over the course of the week, we shared a video featuring our CEO and employees from across the business describing what compliance means to them, we heard from our Chief Compliance Officer via a "Fast Five" interview, and created a "Did You Know?" reference document w ith key compliance resources and facts. To help increase engagement during the week, we updated digital signs throughout our headquarters and held an online scavenger hunt related to each day's email with a special prize for the top three winners!

Service Access and Management, Inc.- As we continue to evolve into a mostly remote workforce, this year, we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity for our staff to get to know a little about each member of the Compliance Team. Therefore, we created a single video for each day of Compliance and Ethics week which combines an introduction of each compliance team member and a fun training topic. Sometimes Compliance and Ethics can be a scary proposition, so we're aiming to change that and the videos help us in that effort. Each video was sent to all staff in an email each day. The email included a link to watch the video and a question for staff to answer in respect to the training topic. Staff responding correctly to the question would be registered to win 1 of our 10 "Compliance is Hot" beach themed prizes. We have a staff of 920. We received approximately 800 combined responses to our questions for the week and we received approximately 1600 views of fun and educational introductory videos for the week. We even had 75 staff participate in our live drawing for the prizes that we held via Teams. I hope our videos might give you some ideas to create something similar for your organizations! (You might have to copy each link and paste into your browser). The Friday before video | Monday video | Tuesday video | Wednesday video | Thursday video | Friday video

Phoenix Physical Therapy - We kicked off the week with a Compliance Program Effectiveness Survey, to assess company wide awareness of our program. Throughout the week we are sending out corporate communications that include compliance trivia questions that highlight the 7 elements of an effective compliance program. We will end the week with a company wide "Green Out", all employees are encouraged to wear GREEN, to demonstrate that a commitment to compliance and ethics is a team effort. . We provided a social media script so that employees can share their commitment to compliance and ethics with the communities they serve.

BerryDunn - A nine-question quiz has been sent to all BerryDunn staff and prizes will be awarded to the first ten respondents. Our healthcare compliance and credentialing practice area is already receiving very enthusiastic responses from colleagues throughout our organization. BerryDunn is also posting a daily "Compliance Factoid" on its LinkedIn page, providing a daily nugget of information about topics such as HIPAA breach notifications, OIG exclusions, HIPAA Right of Access, the role of Medical Staff Services professionals in credentialing, privileging, enrollment, and accreditation, and the fundamentals of evaluating corporate compliance programs. On LinkedIn, we provide our readers with a link to a BerryDunn contact person who is a subject matter expert on that day's Compliance Factoid.

Community Health Center Network - This is our first year celebrating with virtual activities being launched through our MS Teams Compliance Corner channel. There will be daily posts where staff can participate in viewing videos, play virtual games, complete surveys and other activities to be entered into a drawing at the end of the week for prizes. Annual compliance trainings will be launched at this time as well.
We are very excited to present be presenting our compliance program in a fun new way!

Cancer Care Northwest - As the new Compliance Officer for the organization, the 2022 Compliance & Ethics Week celebration will include a new game each day. The games consist of a savenger hunt, word search, crossword puzzle, and a take a selfie (with our NPP, Hotline Reporting, or Speak-up signage) and a Golden Ticket contest. Winners are entered into a prize drawing each day and anyone who enters successfully all five days will be entered into an additional prize drawing. Compliance is sending out daily education regarding Confidential Reporting, Business Gifts & Gratuities, Conflicts of Interest and we are changing the name of out "Hotline" to a Helpline.

Symplr - symplr is excited to support compliance professionals in the spirit of Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week 2022! We’ll be using the reach of our social media platforms to bring recognition and awareness to the impact healthcare compliance officers have on patient outcomes. This week is a great reminder that compliance also applies to us at symplr. To get our colleagues involved internally, we’re highlighting Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week on our intranet with company-wide communications and a video outlining the importance of healthcare compliance. Additionally, a refreshed course reviewing HIPAA and how to comply is available to all employees. To round off Corporate Compliance & Ethics week, we’ll be hosting a webinar on November 15 to share more about important compliance updates impacting 2023. Attendees will learn about new compliance requirements and best practices - plus, the live webinar is eligible for up to 1.2 CEUs from the Compliance Certification Board!

Family Allergy & Asthma - Family Allergy & Asthma has a fun Ethics & Compliance week planned! We will be highlighting on social media with a word from our CEO and CCO, and have daily emails sent from the Compliance Department. Employees will have a chance to win prizes, complete a compliance word search, take a compliance quiz, and share photos of Compliance Color Coordinate Day!

Qualcomm - In 2022 Qualcomm is celebrating our fifth annual "I heart Compliance: Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week". With the new hybrid work model we are celebrating both virtually and in-person across the company. To emphasize our fifth year of participation, we are challenging employees to "Strive for Five", using a bingo board-style activity card that features our activities and events. To recognize employees who complete the challenge, we send "Certificates of Awesome", swag packs, and t-shirts once the week has concluded. Other assurance groups at Qualcomm are also participating in our week's celebration, each providing "5 fun facts" for an article for our company intranet. We are partnering with the Cy bersecurity team to run a "What's Wrong with this Desk" in various on-campus locations and online to raise awareness during Cybersecurity month and Compliance Week. The Compliance team is hosting a live event, also streamed virtually, where we recognize our third cohort of Champions in our Lead the Way program. This program recognizes our ethical superstars across the company. Afterward, we are hosting a Mocktails with Compliance networking event. Attendees receive a swag bag that includes menu cards with Compliance-themed cocktail recipes. Our Ethics Liaisons are participating this year by gathering photos, memes, and videos for an Around the World virtual celebration - demonstrating our companywide commitment to ethics and integrity. Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week also coincides with the release of our company-wide Code of Business Conduct Training and Certification.

Vivant Behavioral HealthcareAt Vivant, we are celebrating compliance with our teams across the country, and providing engaging educational opportunities throughout the week. Each day, in addition to activities that our personnel will host at the local sites, we will have an educational email blast that focuses on some of the highest-risk healthcare laws we work with and one of the 7 elements of an effective compliance program. The email will also include some kind of learning game, like a quiz, scavenger hunt, picture contest, or race; for which prizes will be awarded. Additionally, this year we are having staff participate in a contest where they can submit a rendering of a compliance mascot, tagline, logo, or other media (videos, photos, memes, gifs, etc.) that we can use in future compliance communications and activities. The submissions will be posted and voted on by all staff during CCW, and the top three will win prizes. We also have a photo contest where each site can show their compliance pride by taking a group photo that expresses the pride they have in delivering healthcare with integrity. Lastly, we like to take CCW as an opportunity to appreciate our compliance officers and champions at our local sites. We will feature these staff in our company-wide CCW communications and provide them with gifts.

Brightline Technologies, Inc. - Here at Brightline Technologies, Inc. we are providing our employees and our clients with daily “compliance & ethics focused” informational memos, and inspirational quotes to assist in keeping compliance and ethical behavior top of mind every day. We will be utilizing our social media platforms to inform our social connections that this is a week to think about how they involve their own compliance and ethical standards in everyday life. Brightline will be holding a Jeopardy-type quiz game for its employees at a full staff meeting that Friday where employees will have a chance to win prizes. Being a full-service IT service provider that also includes Cybersecurity and Compliance Consulting services, we foster a culture to practice what we preach! We look forward to celebrating with our employees and clients!

Fair Haven Community Health Clinic, Inc.This year marks our 7th annual celebration of Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week at Fair Haven Community Health Care. We are a Federally Qualified Health Center based in New Haven, CT, with fifteen (15) sites in the metropolitan area. FHCHC's 2021 Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week Game will be sent to all staff on Nov. 8th. To participate, staff may either answer the ten-question quiz or they may submit a question about Compliance or Privacy. A $50 Amazon gift card will be awarded to one participant whose name will be selected at random. (If between 51 - 100 staff participate, then a 2nd random drawing will be made for a $50 gift card. If more than 101 staff pa rticipate, then a 3rd drawing will be made for another $50 gift card.) The Compliance Department will also be showcased in FHCHC's Employee Newsletter during November. The mottos of our department are "Do the Right Things!" and "When You See Something, Say Something!"

NeuroPsychiatric HospitalsNeuroPsychiatric Hospitals (NPH) is looking forward to celebrating Compliance Week! Daily educational emails will be sent to all staff regarding regulatory updates, the culture of compliance, awareness of compliance, recognition of staff, and reinforcement of the compliance program. We will have compliance banners in the lobby of each of our campuses that our hospital team members can sign and write what compliance means to them and drawings throughout the week for NPH gear for correct responses to compliance Q & A.

Qualcomm IncIn 2021 we are celebrating our fourth annual "I heart Compliance: Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week" virtually across the company with a host of new events and activities. Our Chief Compliance Officer will facilitate a panel discussion on Microsoft Teams titled "Managing Risk at Qualcomm". During the event we will award our second cohort of Champions in our Lead the Way program which recognizes ethical superstars across the company. We are releasing a series of compliance video shorts from leaders across the company and our team, explaining why Compliance and Ethics is important. We will once again host a photo/meme contest where employees submit photos of their pets, kids, houseplants, and other at-home "coworkers" living "The Qualcomm Way". In addition, we are hosting digital games such as Compliance bingo, a Spot the Issue video quiz, and a memory game. After the week is over, we will send "Certificates of Awesome" to participating employees. Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week also coincides with the release of our company-wide Global FCPA and Anti-Corruption Policy Training and Certification for 2021.

1901 Group- A Leidos Company- This is our fourth year celebrating. Because E&C is so important, we always try to make our awareness campaign fun and engaging. We have created a portal with our theme "Fall into Compliance" to share contests, prizes, surveys, and information blasts.

Hy Cite Enterprises, LLC -Hy Cite is a dynamic and growing kitchenware company committed to enhancing the lives of our customers, employees, and distributors. Hy Cite offers exclusive kitchenware lines with outstanding quality and warranty. 2021 is the first year we will participate in the Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week. For the celebration, our compliance team has created events, featured activities and contests designed to engage employees and raise compliance awareness. Company leaders from all our locations are joining the celebration by sharing inspiring messages that show their commitment to a culture of ethics. We believe the future of our company depends on our employees. Equipped with resources, training, and support, we provide each team member the foundation to grow and succeed within the organization. The Hy Cite Circle of Excellence award will be granted to one employee each year who exemplifies the company’s culture and values.
We are proud to be celebrating our ethics culture worldwide and participating in the Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week!

Procter & GambleEvery year, we celebrate our shared Purpose, Values and Principles (PVP) foundation with the “Do the Right Thing Celebration.” Our locations around the world create their own employee engagement events tied to a global theme derived from our Worldwide Business Conduct Manual (code) principles of Respect, Integrity and Stewardship. The 2020 celebration theme was “Stewardship. Always Right.” Events feature activities and contests to engage employees and raise awareness, leadership townhall discussions and inspiring videos from employees making a difference.
Sites are recognized for outstanding results in the areas of creativity, engagement, and passionate leadership. In spite of challenges presented by the pandemic, there was again extensive global participation this year as employees from more than 150 sites around the world joined in the celebration with live and virtual activities. Though we set high standards for all employees, those who personally demonstrate commitment to ethics and compliance can also be recognized by peers or managers with a special “PVP Champion” designation. Since its inception in 2016, over two thousand employees have been recognized as PVP Champions. In addition to these local activations, our 2020 celebration featured an inspirational account by Steve Bishop, P&G Health Care CEO, reflecting on the first P&G people he met when he interviewed with the Company, and how their genuine commitment to doing the right thing influenced his decision to join and build his career here.

ProPeer Resources, LLC- ProPeer Resources, LLC- ProPeer specializes in providing comprehensive Independent Review Organization (IRO) services to the Commercial Healthcare Industry through our URAC IRO Comprehensive accreditation for both Internal and External Review. 
ProPeer will kick off Corporate Compliance & Ethics week with a new “Camp Compliance” theme that includes camp-themed activities that correlate with daily ethical and compliancy decisions that have to be made through the work we do.
As one of the oldest IRO’s in the United States, ProPeer team members hold compliance in our field to the highest standards and will get to demonstrate their knowledge through a number of individual and group activities throughout the week.  After a week of active learning around compliancy, the ProPeer team will participate in an interactive game-style live training session with many prizes and awards.
We are excited to participate in our 5th year of Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week!

Nexus Enterprises, LLC- Nexus specializes in providing Utilization Management and Clinical Review services to the Workers’ Compensation healthcare industry through our URAC accreditation and compliancy. We are excited to announce our 4th year of participation with a new “Camp Compliance” theme for the 2021 Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week which is focused around the importance of ethical decision making in our daily work.
We kick off the week with several fun activities, including a fishing (phishing) game and a provided lunch perfect for the campsite with chili and cornbread. Throughout the week, team members will have the opportunity to participate in compliance games and scavenger hunts to drive home our individual and collective commitment to compliance and ethics.
Each day of the week, a compliance lessons and tips will be released to our team from selected leaders of the company that will engage and empower team members to think about the importance of compliance from a different light.
To wrap up the week, we will host an interactive live training with our Compliance team. This training will reinforce the topics and lessons learned throughout the week and create a competitive spirit amongst our team. During this live training, team members will be able to engage in a real-time game style training session with a number of prizes to be won.
Each member of the Nexus team will also have the opportunity to nominate someone in the organization for the Compliance & Ethics Champion Award and the Integrity Award. These awards are coveted and highly sought after to highlight those who go above and beyond in upholding our compliancy principles.
The Nexus system focuses on connecting quality and outcomes that can only be achieved through the highest adherence to compliance and ethics, which is why we are proud to participate annually in Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week!

American College of Radiology - Get employees thinking about compliance and ethics by planning activities throughout the week.

Heart City Health - We like to celebrate Compliance & Ethics Week by hosting fun trivia games and giving away prizes. With each game we offer 2-3 prizes for staff whom hand in their trivia responses, by adding their name to a hat and pulling a winner. We end the week with treats for staff thanking them for their participation. We do have an annual Skills Fair that covers this education as well as courses that are assigned annually and are mandatory for staff to complete. We enjoy making this education fun for all staff.

Sandoz Inc. - We announced the Compliance week in our internal newsletter and supported it by having a Compliance booth with printouts of our Code and Policies. We also held a multi-day all employee session and workshop, staffed by Compliance and Business partners, on our organizational risks to socialize and solicit feedback beyond top management. 

Molecular Testing Labs - To celebrate we have a few events next week. We are going to have a price is right game. This is real examples of compliance violations and employees try to match them with the correct fines. On Tuesday we’re doing “compliance is sweet” with treats in the break room at 1st street and Boise. On Thursday we are doing a Hungry hungry HIPAA tournament. It’s basically hungry hungry hippos but the balls are PHI. Some general information about the compliance program is that we do annual training, the program is governed by our compliance committee and is based on the 7 federal sentencing guidelines. 

Esterline Technologies - We all wear the same color based on our company's logo - Tuesday is Orange Day, Wednesday is Blue Day and Thursday is Green Day. Then we all have lunch together on Friday wearing our Seahawks gear!

ConServe - This is our second year celebrating Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week and our team will be participating in various activities throughout the week to reinforce our commitment to uphold the ideals and goals of compliance and ethics. Our week-long, interactive Compliance & Ethics Week celebration includes optional activities, prizes, fun facts and a scavenger hunt. Together we will uphold the ideals and goals of compliance and ethics as we take part in exercises aimed at raising awareness, increasing recognition and practicing reinforcement of our culture of compliance.

Protiviti - Highlighting on social media; promoting relevant articles and webinars.

Kuraray America, Inc. - Because we are a manufacturing company with shift-workers, we decided to celebrate throughout the entire month of November in order to give everyone a chance to participate. Throughout the month, online quizzes and brainteasers along with short videos of our CEO and management team members speaking on our company’s compliance commitments will be sent to all employees via email and made available on our intranet site. This is in addition to our annual corporate compliance training campaign that runs from July through November in which employees receive a keepsake blanket that say “Kuraray Corporate Compliance” upon completion. At the end of the month, we will have a drawing to award those who responded to the quizzes and brainteasers.

Sitnasuak Native Corporation - We encourage all employees to participate in our daily trainings with fun activities, to enter in a chance to win prizes. We will end our training week with a lunch for staff! 

Genentech - Unique activities and sessions throughout the week designed to be informative, interactive and designed to enhance awareness and promote discussion of quality and compliance topics, ultimately supporting our vision to pioneer transformative therapies for patients.

Nano Banc - At Nano Banc, we email a CCEW introduction from the Chief Compliance Officer to all employees. Then, a rotating message pen is given to employees with topical taglines such as "Know risky business" and the Whistleblower phone number. Additionally, awareness posters are displayed in employee common areas. Each day, employees are encouraged to respond to CCEW topical questions for an award such as lunch with the Compliance Officer. Topics include UDAAP, Disparate Treatment and Impact, as well as defining our fiduciary responsibility.

Optima Health - We will provide daily education on Compliance and Ethics, helpful tips and information from departments in our company, e.g., Medicare, Appeals, Privacy, etc., and have daily challenges for an opportunity to win a prize. 

Sheppard Pratt Health System - Conducting a week-long culture of compliance survey and 5 daily Hot Topic educational messages with a one question quiz. Both activities register participants for raffle prize drawings. 

InformedDNA - This is our third year participating in Compliance & Ethics Week and we will be focusing on creating awareness of the company's newly approved Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policy. We also send daily compliance communications, engage the organization in online ethics training and a compliance crossword with prizes awarded for the winners. 

PSCU - PSCU celebrated Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week by setting up a table in each of our 5 buildings with the SCCE pop-up table tents and information specific to our organization. We had the same information on our intranet site for our remote employees so they can participate as well. We gave away the SCCE stylus pens and held a drawing at the end of the week where four lucky employees won a gift card if they correctly completed the knowledge assessment. Leading up to the week, we had posters displayed at all the entrances and on our wall monitors, plus an article in our employee newsletter. 

Health Claims Plus - We will have daily email reminders of the importance of compliance & offer additional training with prizes involved.

TEID Ethics and Reputation Society - TEID is a non-profit organization aiming to promote business ethics and integrity principles as the keystone for company culture. TEID represents 139 corporate members in Turkey, 15% of the Turkish GDP and employing around 250.000 people. TEID Will celebrate the Corporate Compliance Week by sending awareness raising messages to the network and promoting the importance of corporate ethics and compliance culture. 

ncgCARE - We will be sending out daily informational emails to enhance awareness of compliance initiatives and activities. Winners will be selected to win prizes based on a final quiz on Friday. Furthermore, on-site visits will be conducted with a "Coffee and Cupcakes for Compliance" theme in order to provide staff with some face-to-face time with the Compliance Officer. 

Ethicalways - We send our clients in Southern Africa the link to the SCCE Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week page and encourage them to use the freely available resources and learn about what SCCE offers. 

Pittsburgh Care Partnership, Inc. d/b/a/ Community LIFE - We are going to each site (6 locations and admin offices) having an informal presentation , word searches, light snacks, and giving corporate compliance items. 

Plan International USA - Plan International USA, an international development organization, is celebrating 2018's corporate compliance week in a low-cost but fun way for employees. Monday will start off with a “Monday Meme Contest” where employees will submit wording for some memes; Tuesday will include the roll out of anti-bribery and corruption training; Wednesday will start the “golden ticket” contest (which will carry through to Friday) where employees have to find fake confidential information at copy machines, printers, etc.; Thursday will include a “spot the confidential info” contest where employees will enter an empty office and make note of the (fake) confidential information left in the office (a shout out to Broadcat for the ideas for Wednesday and Thursday); and Friday will conclude with fortune cookies with compliance messages. There will be small prizes given out through the week.

Merakey - Merakey is excited to participate in this year's Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week. Our Quality and Compliance Organization (QCO) is planning a week-long celebration including: communication sharing of the celebration through corporate communication email notifications, and intranet site and newsletter formats. We will be hosting a Compliance Champion Nomination, with this week initiating as the kick-off, and then having on-going quarterly nomination process implemented. The QCO Department will also be engaging employees with Hallway Trivia, to include vouchers provided for correct answers to enter into drawings for company swag. We will also be hosting a Compliance Poster Contest, with the selected winners having their posters printed and posted across the company. Merakey is excited to be able to share in this celebration and acknowledgement of corporate compliance and ethics.

Millennium Trust Company, LLC - This year, we will use the theme: "Be a Compliance Super-Hero" and use different superhero themes throughout the week to help educate and train employees on the issues currently facing our company. Every activity is based on one of our core values. We create quizzes, different activities and have a week ending party to celebrate our employees involvement. 

Pensions Alliance Limited - At PAL Pensions Lagos, Nigeria we are excited to participate in this year's Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week. In line with the global focus on Awareness, Recognition and Reinforcement, our focus this year is creating awareness and promoting "Ethical Business Practices: Our Responsibility". During the week will be having the Fastest Finger Game with prices to be won among staff members. Also a Seminar on the subject matter. It promises to be fun with lots of refreshments for employees. 2018 Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week will be insightful and compliance culture will be better enhanced. 

Columbus Fair Auto Auction, Inc. - Employee education and awareness messaging for our campaign "See Something, Say Something". 

PromiseShip - PromiseShip provides child well-being and safety services for more than 5,000 children and families in Douglas and Sarpy counties who are involved in the child welfare system through a public-private partnership with the State of Nebraska. To celebrate Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week, we will send out a kick off email to all of our staff to start the week with information to shine a spotlight on the importance of compliance and ethics at our organization. We also included a Save the Date and article in our Monthly Employee Newsletter. Will we be sharing daily blog articles on our intranet site with specific information each day for staff to review and we’ve created an Employee Feedback document for employees to complete with questions regarding ethics and compliance. The feedback documents will be reviewed and information will be shared at our Leadership Council Meeting at the end of November. 

Partners Behavioral Health Management - Partners is so excited and ready for our 2018 Compliance & Ethics Week recognition. Each year we try to do something a little different and I am pleased to say our Regulatory Compliance Committee (RCC) has developed a wonderful program of activities this year. Activities: Security Selfie Day: Staff are challenged to submit a selfie with anything compliance related. Whether a compliance poster, a member of the RCC, with the Compliance Plan and Program Description or otherwise. Compliance Rocks: Staff are challenged with finding the "compliance rocks" hidden at each of our locations Calling for Compliance: The Compliance team will randomly call staff and ask compliance related questions. Compliance and Ethics Lunch & Learns: 3 lunch and learns throughout various locations will be held during the week with a focus. A Compliance Survey will also be conducted during the week to establish a baseline and valuable information for the RCCs education, training and awareness efforts. 

First Guarantee Pension Limited - At FGPL, we are very delighted to participate in this year's Compliance and Ethics week. This years theme tagged globally as ''Awareness, Recognition and Reinforcement'' will focus on creating awareness of the company's newly approved code of Conduct, Micro-Pension Scheme and ways of improving on the Compliance culture across the Company. Daily quiz and departmental games will be introduced for staff active participation and prices will be awarded. And of course, refreshment will be served. We hope this years' event will create the right awareness, recognition and reinforcement towards a better Compliance culture. 

Analytical Mechanics Associates (AMA), Inc - We are conducting interactive ethics refresher training for all of our employees that emphasizes our Code of Business and Ethical Conduct and are also performing an internal company ethics audit of our programs and processes. We will also send out several compliance and ethics messages during the course of the week. The CEO is announcing the company's participation in our monthly newsletter. 

Dallas County Hospital - Daily emails with education on Compliance and Ethics. Crosswords and other games throughout the week along with prizes awarded for the winners. 

KenCrest Services - This is the first time we will be participating. Being a department of one but having over 15 locations, we started early with ordering SCCE's Compliance Posters for every location, announcing an online Compliance Quiz which will have 5 big prizes awarded on the last day. The first four days we have distributed word games (one for each day) and the prizes include "whistleblower" keychains and magnets that say "Do the Right Thing Even if No One is Watching". Also, communicating the themes of Recognition, Awareness and Reinforcement in our newsletter, payroll stuffers and emails. 

NexusNexus specializes in providing Utilization Management and Clinical Review services to the Workers’ Compensation healthcare industry through our URAC accreditation and compliancy. We are excited to announce our 4th year of participation with a new theme for the 2020 Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week which is focused around “Game Day Decision Making” and the importance of ethical decision making in our daily work. We kick off the week with several fun activities, including a football toss and a provided lunch consisting of stadium and concession stand foods. Throughout the week, team members will have the opportunity to participate in compliance crossword puzzles and scavenger hunts to drive home our individual and collective commitment to compliance and ethics. Each day of the week, a video message and lesson will be released to our team from selected leaders of the company that will engage and empower team members to think about the importance of compliance from a different light. To wrap up the week, we will host an interactive live training with our Compliance team. This training will reinforce the topics and lessons learned throughout the week and create a competitive spirit amongst our team. During this live training, team members will be able to engage in a real-time game style training session with a number of prizes to be won. Each member of the Nexus team will also have the opportunity to nominate someone in the organization for the Compliance & Ethics Champion Award and the Integrity Award. These awards are coveted and highly sought after to highlight those who go above and beyond in upholding our compliancy principles. The Nexus system focuses on connecting quality and outcomes that can only be achieved through the highest adherence to compliance and ethics, which is why we are proud to participate annually in Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week!

ProPeerProPeer specializes in providing comprehensive Independent Review Organization (IRO) services to the Commercial Healthcare Industry through our URAC IRO Comprehensive accreditation for both Internal and External Review. ProPeer will kick off Corporate Compliance & Ethics week with a “Game Day” theme that allows team members to get in the spirt of thinking about how game day decisions can be directly related to the ethical and compliancy decisions that have to be made through the work we do. As one of the oldest IRO’s in the United States, ProPeer team members hold compliance in our field to the highest standards and will get to demonstrate their knowledge through a number of individual and group activities throughout the week. After a week of active learning around compliancy, the ProPeer team will participate in an interactive game-style live training session with many prizes and awards. We are excited to participate in our 4th year of Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week!

Grand River Medical Group - We are holding brown bag lunches across each of our locations throughout the week. We are also making table tents in our break room with compliance tips.

PrimeSource Building Products, Inc. - We are excited to participate in our second annual Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week! To kick off the week, we will hold a breakfast where people can come ask questions to the Compliance Team. We will be relaunching our Code of Conduct and giving away prizes for distribution centers who achieve 100% participation. We will also send out a Compliance "Spotlight" each day featuring team members that contribute to our compliance goals. We will have a few games and prizes throughout the week and end with a company-wide purge day and educate on our record retention policy initiatives.

Walker Methodist - We will be celebrating with "Getting the word out" about compliance. Education opportunities and of course SCCE Products. 

Yamhill Community Care Organization - Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week will be five fun-filled days of compliance activities, learning opportunities, swag and prizes for participation. This will be the second year participating and the quality/compliance department has already started planning. 

Trenes Argentinos Infraestructura - We will prepare a week of awareness about the importance of the Compliance Program of the SOEs and in the Third-Parties. We will conduct surveys to know the degree of knowledge of the program. Games with ethical dilemmas. Survey to detect improvements in the Compliance Program. 

QueensCare/QueensCare Health Centers - Give out compliance week products! Learning opportunities.

1901 Group, LLC - This will be 1901 Group's first year participating and we're excited to grow awareness of the importance of compliance and ethics. Because E&C is so important, we want to make our awareness campaign fun and engaging. Games, prizes, surveys, email blasts, food, and a video message from our CEO are all on the agenda.

Aaron's - We play games, have contests and award our team members with the most knowledge and understanding of our Compliance Program & Code of Conduct! 

Cognizant Technology Solutions - This year, we plan to deploy an interactive online game emphasizing our Code of Ethics, which will present scenarios for associates to select the best response and score points! We will also have daily trivia questions and a poll on our E&C intranet site in addition to situational case studies, videos and infographics. To end the week, we plan to share a message from our Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, globally. 

Kimball International - Increased compliance and ethics communications through training and our internal employee communication platforms. We will kick off our fiscal year with the award of the first Compliance champion award.

Messer Financial Group - We will be celebrating our first Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week this year. Product giveaways, trivia questions, newsletter highlights and special educational events planned to bring out the compliance champions in our organization. Compliance refresher courses will be offered throughout the week, along with a chance to demonstrate your Ethics Education in a small competitive quiz.

Physician Partners of America - We provide new training and information about compliance and ethics! We raise awareness and make compliance exciting for the employees.

Builders FirstSource - We address is our quarterly newsletters, send out flyers, do giveaways. This year we intend to do it "bigger and better" with a Compliance and Ethics Week fair. 

FirstCare Health Plans - This year, FirstCare’s Corporate Compliance Team has created an exciting and educational week to promote the 2017 theme, “Make Good Choices”. Activities planned include promotional giveaways, breakfast every day, educational handouts (HIPAA Privacy & Security, FWA Prevention & Detection, and the Code of Conduct) prizes for participation, interactive educational games, and more! Our goal is to create a series of enjoyable ways to learn more about the “Do’s and Don’ts” of Corporate Compliance, which ultimately leads to making good choices! 

Health Claims Plus - Although we are very small office, we will participate a second year in recognizing Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week. During the week, we will post messages raising awareness and overall responsibility. 

Symantec - This year eight Symantec offices around the world will host live booths where employees can interact with a few of our Ethical Champions and learn about important compliance topics. We will be posting daily challenges on our company intranet homepage to maximize engagement - giving each employee the chance to win some fun Ethics & Compliance swag. Looking forward to Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week! 

InformedDNA  - InformedDNA is excited to celebrate compliance & ethics week and shine a spotlight on the important work the compliance office does everyday. We send out daily emails with inspirational quotes and a compliance tip of the day. We also decorate with balloons, bring in donuts and have a fun compliance activity contest. 

Sandoz İlaç Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. - We will blog on our Company-internal Yammer blog about the C&E week, remind of the Code of Conduct, Values & Behaviors and celebrate a special Integrity & Compliance Day on Friday where we will discuss what Integrity means to associates in their daily work context. 

Holland America Group - We are excited to celebrate Corporate Ethics & Compliance Week across all of our offices around the globe once again. This is the fourth year we will be celebrating Corporate Ethics & Compliance Week and we continue to expand our program and raise awareness. Throughout the week, we post articles on our intranets, we encourage employees to partake in a knowledge quiz, we host events where we serve cake and refreshments and we pass out small freebies. 

Seton Hall Law School - Seton Hall Law is excited to celebrate Corporate Compliance & Ethics week this year with fun games and prizes at our Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum booth in Washington D.C., November 6-8, 2017! Please stop by to say hello and participate in the celebration of all those compliance professionals who work in our exciting industry. 

ProPeer Resources, LLC - ProPeer Resources, LLC specializes in providing comprehensive Independent Review Organization (IRO) services to the healthcare industry. We are excited to participate in national Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week. Our activities will include daily Compliance & Ethics blogs for staff to review prior to attending a live training. The blogs reinforce ProPeer’s policies and provides examples of recent enforcement actions against other entities who have suffered the repercussions of non-compliance. Activities will also include a scheduled compliance refresher training, pop-quiz and attestation. ProPeer staff are trained on their responsibility to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all information they have access to or come in contact with, prior to receiving access. Confidentiality agreements, conflict of interest statements and policy acknowledgements describe the acceptable use of issued computer equipment and internet access. ProPeer is thrilled to participate and take advantage of this great opportunity to show our commitment to compliance continuity! 

Skillcast - We'll be giving out free corporate compliance resources. 

ConServe - Our Compliance team has created an interactive program to shine a spotlight on this important component of our business. Our week-long Compliance and Ethics Week celebration includes optional activities and prizes. Together, as a team, we will reinforce our commitment to uphold the ideals and goals of compliance and ethics as we participate in the various activities throughout the week. The exercises will be aimed at raising awareness, increasing recognition and practicing reinforcement of our culture of compliance. 

Denbury Resources Inc. - Employees that complete a 10 question survey related to our Code of Conduct and Core Values will receive a bag of custom M&M's with our core value branding. 

Morehouse College - This year Morehouse College will celebrate corporate compliance and ethics through out the month of November. Our kick-off will begin will begin with an expanded announcement of our new ethics hotline and online reporting system. Thereafter, employees will be engaged in various compliance awareness activities including live and online games to win gifts and prizes 

ARM PENSION MANAGERS (PFA) LIMITED - We are kick-starting our Compliance and Ethics week with a newsletter on compliance facts, Fastest Fingers First quiz competition, role-play competition on Discrimination at the workplace. the following day will feature a live Compliance TV program to be streamed live to all staff members across the country which will include activities like debate sessions, compliance contests, interview with the Chief Compliance officer etc. We will also be having training sessions on Fraud in the workplace and the week will end with a program where all winners during the week will be announced and refreshments will be made available. 

DataFile Technologies - We are excited to celebrate our second year of participation in Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week! At DataFile Technologies, we recognize that our greatest compliance asset is our people. To kick off the week, we will host a “Lunch and Learn” where food will be provided and employees can ask their questions to our Compliance Team. Employees who submit questions before the event are entered to win a raffle prize. Throughout the week, articles will be posted on intranet with a question that introduces the following day’s topic. Those who submit an answer the question will be entered in to win a raffle prize. Overall, we want the week to be welcome a positive culture of compliance, and to celebrate our employee’s doing their best work to maintain a compliant culture each and every day. DataFile's Compliance Team is excited for this opportunity to share knowledge and connect with our healthcare data experts! 

Safe Harbor Compliance & Clinical Services, LLC - A message from a member of our Compliance Committee to kick things off. Fun and games throughout the week, intertwined with a daily message. 

Asembia, LLC - Asembia is proud to join SCCE to celebrate Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week 2017. Our corporate compliance team will send daily emails highlighting compliance and ethics topics to increase employee awareness. Employees will also participate in the 2017 Corporate Compliance Program trivia challenge for a chance to win awesome prizes! 

Metglas, Inc. - This year's celebration will have a Compliance Carnival theme. We will be hosting compliance games including a "Guess the number contest". Carnival-themed decorations will be used in the Employee Break Room, and popcorn will be provided for all to enjoy. Daily e-mails with compliance information and reminders will be sent. The week will begin with a letter from the Metglas President stressing the importance of compliance to all employees. 

Millennium Trust Company, LLC - We plan daily themes, games and awards to employees and provide opportunities to hear their voices on how Compliance and Ethics is important to them in their day to day tasks. We also ask how they will make it part of their goal for 2018. 

Velia Consulting - We are offering free training seminars on ethics and compliance to startups and small business. Starting them off strong!!! 

ONE Gas, Inc - We are holding a compliance and ethics essay contest, quiz contest, golden tickets, and a compliance carnival! 

Commonwealth Trust Company - We will hold mandatory Anti-Money Laundering training for all employees during Compliance and Ethics Week, as well as send out a series of Compliance & Ethics Awareness emails highlighting compliance-related stories, facts and figures. We will also give out compliance-related promotional products. 

Spectrum Healthcare Partners - We are celebrating our 3rd straight CC&E Week. We are doing company-wide games, such as...fill in the blank games, quizzes, trainings, word finds, etc.

Texas Woman's University - Swag, contests, prizes, quizzes, info tables, etc. 

Seattle City Light - Regulatory Compliance - Seattle City Light is planning a week of informational awareness messages that aim to address a range of regulatory compliance topics. Central to our plan is the goal of increasing employee awareness of the regulatory compliance department as well as creating a platform to inform employees of broader regulatory issue that may impact work and life at Seattle City Light. 

Outreach Health Care, Inc. - We will be conducting daily Employee Website Compliance Pop Quiz contests as well as handing out SCCE products as reminders. 

Medicomp Inc - We will have email blasts all week long that will include a different activity pertaining to compliance (word find, cross word puzzle, etc). At the end of the week we will have a company wide lunch with compliance trivia and a chance to win prizes. 

Integrated Health Partners - We have a week long calendar of events to include giveaways, friendly competitions, surveys, compliance word finds/quizzes, and this year we are going to try a Compliance/Ethics Escape Room! We enhance the awareness through the Compliance Week posters and then we frame them and use them as new wall art throughout the year. Daily emails with trivia will also be used as a way to encourage continuous participation with drawings for correct answers. 

Danaher Corporation - Our plan is to drive awareness of compliance through a robust communication plan across all of our global operating companies. We will share situational case studies, videos and new posters highlighting compliance risks to avoid. 

Nokia - Nokia is holding “Integrity Week” across its entire global organization from November 6-10, 2017. The slogan for the event this year is “Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it.” Integrity Week at Nokia encompasses a range of events, including leader-led discussions focused on ethics and compliance, broadcast interviews with the company’s CEO and other senior executives, on-line quizzes covering compliance topics, and on-site activities that include real-life compliance dilemmas faced by our employees. Integrity Week will help to reinforce Nokia’s commitment to integrity and remind employees that integrity is not only a core value, but can also serve as a competitive advantage. Specific topics to be covered during the week include third-party risks, the importance of having an open reporting environment and “speak up” culture. 

Progress Industries - Employee education about compliance and ethics in the workplace. 

Partners In Progress - Special training, recognition of staff achievements

Cerner Corporation - We provide daily reminders on specific Compliance and Ethics topics and each reminder email includes a quiz on that topic. We also hand out products with the Corporate Compliance and Ethics logo to serve as a reminder for our team members throughout the year! 

Lennox International Inc. - We will host our second annual Global Ethics Day during the Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week! All of our facilities around the world celebrate with educational speakers, entertainment, food and beverages, contests, giveaways, and more! We leverage the support of our business leaders and Human Resources partners globally to help promote our core values of Integrity, Respect, and Excellence as well as discuss what Ethics means to us. This year we are also using the theme of "Making Good Choices". 

Sitnasuak Native Corporation

CBRE - a) We would have compliance sessions over breakfast/coffee and quiz competitions to spread awareness. b) We would distribute Compliance products as well. c) We would run videos of leaders with messaging on Compliance d) Each day of the week would be dedicated to some specific compliance area. The high risk areas would be picked from our Annual Risk assessment 

State Compensation Insurance Fund - Last year our Compliance and Ethics Week team produced a game show video with members of our executive team. Our full length "Know the Code" game show was thirty minutes long and featured members of our executive team competing against each in a game loosely related to the show Jeopardy. Our team then showed that video during their Roadshow at four difference locations and an abbreviated version was shown on our organization's intranet site. Our Roadshow also consisted of interactive scenarios that reinforce our privacy policies. 

Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - For one week of every year, Corporate Compliance and Ethics at our company is celebrated with all of the SCCE community nationwide. Our compliance team builds upon the theme provided by SCCE every year and creates a webpage and other campaigning materials in order to show our commitment to Ethics & Compliance and highlighting the importance by making learning fun and interactive. Our company usually creates scenarios and fun videos that involve upper management and other employees to be our actors. Our internal media team really helps our compliance department bring a lot of ideas to life. This year our focus is on "effective lines of communication" we will be focusing & campaigning our anonymous helpline, open door policy and other communication policies. 

Samriddhilaw P. Ltd, Kathmandu Nepal

Goodwin Community Health - We send out email quotes each day, along with fun activities such as scavenger hunts, word searches, these along with a BBQ hosted by the compliance committee. 

Skyline - I want to spread the word amongst the distributed team around the globe. 

Shionogi Inc. - We are very excited to celebrate our first Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week. Each day our Compliance department will send an email message from one of our senior leaders on what compliance means to them, and to their respective areas of the organization. The email also includes a list of the day’s activities and games. A kick-off breakfast and snacks will be provided. Our games are designed to have our employees review existing Policies and Procedures on our intranet to answer specific questions. Nominal prizes are to be awarded for accuracy and time. We also will have an interactive game for employees to play and compete against each other. Topics for the games include, Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest, Anti-Bribery and Data Privacy. We also will include our sales force and other company locations in all activities to make it a true company-wide experience. Our theme this year is, “Compliance – Shining a Light on Integrity.” 

University of Miami - University Compliance Services hosted University of Miami’s first Compliance & Ethics Week celebration on November 7-11, 2016. Reinforcing a commitment to support a culture reflecting our D-I-R-E-C-C-T values, UCS staff invited all faculty, staff and students to various events on the Coral Gables, RSMAS and Medical campuses. Faculty, staff and students had an opportunity to engage and learn about the University of Miami’s various compliance, ethics, and risk management initiatives. The weeklong series of events on each UM campus featured a carnival-themed informational fairs where over 21 different UM departments, such as the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, Office of Research Administration, Athletic Compliance,It's On US, and Environmental Health and Safety, distributed information on and answered questions about their programs and responsibilities as they relate to compliance and ethics. In addition, Compliance and Ethics Week featured seminars on the Coral Gables and Miller School campuses for a deeper dive on various subjects like FLMA, FLSA, and Workers Comp. FREE Food, games, giveaways, and drawings were featured at the carnivals. As employees engaged with each area represented, they received a ticket that provided them access to the fun games and food. 

TIAA - We celebrate by creating an open and honest environment, avoiding retaliation, fraud awareness and the importance of reporting ethical concerns and possible misconduct right away. 

Wilmington Health - Each day this week the Compliance Officer will send out an email to the Organization addressing a different Compliance topic. The main topics covered will include; introducing our Compliance Team (Officer and Committee), HIPAA, Auditing, the False Claims Act and how to report suspectec violations via our Integrity Line. To encourage employee and provider engagement, the emails will feature daily trivia questions and games for a chance to enter a drawing for the daily giveaway. 

ABBOTT - LATIN AMERICA & CANADA REGION - Abbott - Latam and Canada Region, will use the worldwide Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week (Nov 6-10) as an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the importance of compliance and ethics at Abbott, to build awareness in ways that reinforce not just specific rules and regulations, but an overall culture of compliance and to support the positive image of the Ethics and Compliance Department. We have created an internal logo for the campaign to highlight ethics & compliance as competitive advantage. Employees in the region will receive daily emails with memorable quotes, and a video with key messages. They will also have the opportunity to participate in a regional contest and resolve trivias. We will focus on 4 main topics for all the activities to be performed during the week: Compliance as a competitive advantage, Compliance ownership/partnership, Careful communication and Anticorruption. Other materials developed for this week are: stickers on entrance doors/elevators, floorgraphics, boards, placemates. Employees will receive special gifts for their participation. 

Receivables Management Partners - We are sending & posting Compliance & Ethical quotes and questions daily to all staff. 

Denbury Resources Inc. - We are communicating via posters,emails and table tents key information that we want to employees to know related to compliance and ethics, and each work day during Compliance & Ethics Week, we will send out an e-mail with a question. Employees that respond with the answer will have their name entered in the daily drawing. Each day there will be 6 winners (3 from corporate office and 3 from field offices). The prizes are $10 gift cards to various places such as Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, Chick-fil-A, Wal-Mart, Cinemark, etc., which are hopefully are an "incentive" to pay attention to the information but do not cross any line as to influence a negative behavior in order to gain such incentive. 

Meadville Medical Center - Educational table with candy and chance to win prizes! 

ON Semiconductor - Our employees will experience daily emails which include quotes, scenarios based on real situations from our company, motivational statements and reinstatement of our reporting procedures and resources. Slides for display on monitors in hallways are provided to each site. Our global intranet landing page includes messages for the week as well as our internal, direct ethics URL, which houses material like translated versions of our Code of Business Conduct and our hotline numbers. A compliance communication toolbox includes fresh materials for our compliance and ethics liaisons to utilize at site meetings and at their local lunch and learns. The global communications team assists with messaging on the site level which includes anonymous feedback surveys. This feedback is analyzed for content prepared in future local events. Sites are taking photos of their local events to be posted on the global intranet page and published in our monthly, 20-page, global employee newsletter. This addition will be included with our monthly highlights on the compliance program. For those viewing our company from an external perspective, our Code of Business Conduct is posted on our external page and periodic compliance messages are posted to our social media accounts. During compliance and ethics week, our Twitter account (@ONSemi) will highlight daily compliance messages. We are proud to be a World's Most Ethical Company and will continue promoting our program as part of the foundation of our company! 

Teradata Corporation - We will display Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week message-tent-brochures at our primary facilities during the week. We will distribute daily ethics and compliance reinforcement and awareness emails to all associates worldwide during the week and include the Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week logo in those emails. We also will post the content of those email messages on our internal social media site for our Ethics and Compliance Program and plan to post shorter versions on an external social media, such as LinkedIn. 

VMware - Daily posts on our internal social media site! 

HotChalk - We make it fun and interactive! Puzzles, games, creative assignments, and prizes all wrapped around compliance. We are actually called the CARE team, which stands for Compliance, Audit, Risk, and Ethics. One more thing, the CARE team has a mascot...Freddy the FERPA frog and Freddy makes it fun as he hops around bringing joy, education, training, coaching, and knowledge to all. 

RI International - This year for Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week by a variety of activities to get staff thinking about compliance and quality topics. We will be giving out corporate compliance products and have daily emails and announcements regarding compliance and quality topics. 

Moffitt Cancer Center - This year to Kick off Compliance and Ethics Week the Compliance Department will host open house and meet & greet that includes a scavenger hunt and light refreshments. During the remainder of the week team members will visit several locations throughout the organization to promote awareness and engage in fun games and other activities that include giveaways and awareness materials. At the end of the week we will send team members a Compliance Scramlet game to solve to go in the drawing of the grand prize! 

Generali Group - We’re pleased to announce Integrity Week - a global initiative across all of Generali Group from 7-11 November. Generali’s 3rd Integrity Week supports global initiatives in promoting high standards of business behaviour based on ethical values. The Global theme “Provide Protect Prevent” spreads the message about how Compliance provides the tools, policies and advice to protect our customers, colleagues and company. In this way, we prevent risks of regulatory sanction and damage to our reputation by upholding our integrity culture and maintaining an open, fair and stimulating work environment. Throughout our Integrity Week, each country of our Group will choose its own activities. But what they’ll all have in common is the chance for everyone to learn more about what Compliance does. Real Compliance Cases from across the Group will be published every day on our Global intranet. These true stories highlight how Compliance departments in different countries acted when our Code of Conduct was breached. It will also be the opportunity to disclose our new, mandatory, 5-minute, Code of Conduct Refresher Training course translated into 24 languages. Events during Integrity Week include: On-line and Totem/poster campaigns advertising Integrity Hubs where staff can learn about sustaining our culture of integrity; watch videos explaining points covered by our Code and the Refresher training course; and pick up an Our Code Notebook - so they always have our Code of Conduct to hand..... and many more local initiatives in all our operations around the world. The Group will boost the initiative through its corporate website and social media. 

DataFile Technologies - At DataFile Technologies, we recognize that our greatest compliance asset is our people. To celebrate our first participation in Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week, we are focusing on three different activities to educate and reward our team. First, in accordance with the theme "Provide" we are hosting a Lunch & Learn event to answer compliance questions our team has while providing them with food as a kickoff event and introduction to CCEW. Employees who submit questions before the event are entered to win a raffle prize. Second, following the theme "Protect", we will hide fictitious PHI in locations around our office each day of CCEW. The first team member to identify the inappropriate placement and bring the PHI to the Compliance Team will be rewarded with a prize. Third, aligned with the theme "Prevent", we will post a daily compliance question on our intranet. Employees may submit their answers for a chance to win a raffle prize. The following day, the correct answer will be posted along with an article about why the answer is correct. DataFile's Compliance Team is excited for this opportunity to share knowledge and connect with our healthcare data experts! 

Progress Industries - Daily reminders and tips for employees. 

Indivior Inc. - This is our first year celebrating the week. We will give out small gifts to our commercial employees and will have ethics quizzes and games during the week. 

HealthEquity - We enjoy celebrating this with some fun games around several of our policies. HealthEquity likes to remind.

Wesley Spectrum - We create remote participation opportunities for our primarily-mobile staff, such as "What's wrong with this picture?" compliance quizzes. We also use this as an opportunity to promote needed trainings and remind employees of our Compliance Plan and reporting structure. 

MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc - At MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc. we understand that to have a compliant and ethical culture, making the right decision is foundational. This week we have developed messaging to encourage our associates to make the right decision. We will kick off the week with a message from our President where he will provide an overview of the week's purpose and activities, as well as emphasizing our theme of "Make the Right Decision." Information will be distributed in a multi-media approach to ensure that the message is received by all our associate, whether they are in an office or production environment. We will be utilizing our internal website, email, video, images, posters, huddle cards, and fun activities to motivate our associates to commit to making the right decision! 

Hometown Health Centers - Schenectady & Amsterdam, New York - In November 2016, Hometown Health Centers will have a cross word puzzle with compliance terms. All entries will be entered in a raffle to win a gift card. On each day of National Ethics and Compliance week there will be an online competition - watch a short compliance related video and whoever correctly answers the question first will win a HIPAA Hippo stuffed animal with the company logo and a bar of chocolate. On Thursday of National Ethics and Compliance week there will be lunch for staff in the break room where they'll get a HIPAA Hippo pen and lens cleaner with compliance message. If the meal is a Chinese buffet - there will be fortune cookies with a compliance message in them. Also posters and small table top tents with compliance messages will be distributed throughout the building. In addition to HIPAA, this year's theme will include awareness on fraud, waste, and abuse as defined under the Medicare and Medicaid Programs. 

Daybreak Venture - We are looking for new ways to celebrate compliance week while educating our employees. 

SAI Global - We will celebrate Corporate Compliance & Ethics week with relevant new content, social media posts, industry resources, and other digital initiatives that can be shared and enjoyed by the compliance and ethics community. 

Trillium Health Resources - Trillium Health Resources is a publicly funded managed care organization that manages mental health, substance use and intellectual/developmental disabilities services in 24 counties in eastern North Carolina. This will be our inaugural celebration of Compliance and Ethics Week and will involve opportunities to increase staff engagement, understanding and day-to-day compliance-concept integration. Trillium’s celebration of Compliance Week will include tips, quotes, questions with prizes, random calls to employees to test their knowledge on Compliance, and daily activities. Some of the activities include a Compliance Video on what not to do, as well as what to do, photo hunts, and other various videos to make compliance fun! Because we have several satellite offices located throughout North Carolina, our launch of Compliance Week will be an amazing electronic promotion. The goal is to further educate and enrich the Trillium culture with compliance and ethics in an exciting, accessible way. 

OCH Regional Medical Center - This will be our first year to celebrate Compliance Week. Our department is very excited. Our theme will be "Don't Duck Compliance". We have yellow highlighters and rubber ducks to hand out with this logo on it. We plan to do many fun games and activities to help educate and train staff. An ice cream social will be held on the last day of our compliance week. Looking forward to November 6-12!!! 

Progressive Leasing - Progressive Leasing, the industry leader in virtual lease-to-own, will be hosting our first annual Compliance and Ethics Week in 2016. With the full support of our Executives, employees will learn how our Compliance team serves to provide useful information and guidance; protect our various stakeholders; and prevent harm. We will host various information sessions and encourage participation across the enterprise through incentives and engagement. Prior to kicking off the week's activities, our Chief Executive and Chief Compliance Officers will introduce employees to our Compliance and Ethics Week and build the excitement. 

TOTE, Inc. - TOTE and its subsidiary companies will be celebrating Compliance month in the Month of November 2016. This will be our 3rd annual Compliance Month. We have weekly contests, games, and local activities. 

Wilmac Corporation - The annual training on Compliance and Ethics will be wrapping up just before Compliance Week, so it will be time to celebrate. Our Senior Management is making a video to spread the word about Ethics and Compliance. We will have a quiz that people can complete and then be entered into a drawing for prizes. Each of our facilities will conduct their own service project to highlight being good citizens in all aspects of our business and lives. We will also hang Compliance posters and give out Smile cookies with a Ethics message attached. 

Lennox International Inc - We are celebrating Ethics & Compliance globally by doing a video contest and giveaways! 

SBH Health System - We give out corporate compliance and ethics week products, mount displays in high traffic areas, call employees randomly with compliance questions and give prizes for correct answers. 

TrustFund Pensions PLC  -  Year 2016 Corporate Compliance and Ethics week will entail obtaining staff members view on some salient issues via short case studies that will be sent to staff members. Responses from staff members will be reviewed isolating correct and best suited responses. Also, topics on ''Providing enabling environment for compliance'', ''Protecting the compliance agenda'' as well as ''Preventing acts that are tantamount to violations'' considering the global Theme "PROVIDE,PROTECT & PREVENT. 

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.   -   Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. hosted its first annual Ethics Everywhere celebration last November in commemoration of national Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness of compliance-related topics, recognize ethical behavior and reinforce Royal Caribbean's ethical culture. Our theme was Living Our Code. Anchored in Our Values., which tied into the launch of Royal Caribbean's new Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and promoted our four core values of honesty, fairness, integrity and trustworthiness. During Ethics Everywhere Week, the Global Compliance and Ethics Group organized various activities throughout our U.S. and international land-based locations and cruise ships, which included new ”Compliance Champion” awards, contests, a survey and the distribution of promotional materials to employees. In recognition of the importance of the event, Royal Caribbean's Chairman and CEO, recorded a video in which he personally invited employees to engage in the different activities and remain committed to upholding the company's ethical culture. To further promote the “tone from the top messaging”, Royal Caribbean's brand presidents and top leaders shared personal quotes on posters displayed throughout the company saying how they live our company's values. One of the key highlights of the week was our "Employees On Air" video montage, in which employees also shared their thoughts on the company's culture and how they live our values. Ethics Everywhere Week was a huge success, and we look forward to repeating this celebration annually. 

FamilyCare Health   -   Each year, members of the Compliance Team hand deliver treats to every employee to encourage participation during the week. Through the daily activities, we share our message of Compliance & Ethics in all we do, with small tokens for the top 5 winners. Over the years, we have held a variety of Grand Prize Competitions: Best Slogan/Mascot, Best Office Chair Décor and even a Build-a-Bear Competition with all the bears being donated to the local children's hospital. 

Acentra Health (formerly Client Network Services) - CNSI delivers a broad portfolio of information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing solutions to a diverse base of federal, state, and local government agencies. Our National Corporate and Compliance Awareness Week activities are centered around our company’s seven core values. Activities include a series of videos from our management team, a daily newsletter, which provides an inspirational quote, top-down messaging on the company’s Ethics and Corporate Compliance Program, policy reminders and tools, and a link to a daily quiz where employees can win prizes. We are also hosting recognition events for “Compliance Champions” – staff members who have contributed to our compliance efforts throughout the year. CNSI is proud to participate in National Corporate Compliance and Ethics Awareness Week and our efforts serve as an extension of our ongoing commitment to doing business with honesty and integrity every day. 

Emirates National Oil Company   -  Various awareness sessions on ENOC Code of Business Conduct policies Launch of Revised ENOC Code of Business Conduct Launch of Ethics E-Learning solutions.

Velia Consulting Limited - We are proud to be celebrating in GHANA!!! We will be hosting a small meet and greet to celebrate the week and create awareness amongst the SME community, with games, presentations and snacks! Our focus is on the meaning of corporate compliance and the advantages of running a compliant business in the Ghanaian market.  

ADP  -  Each day of this week on ADP's internal homepage, ADP's Global Compliance team posts an article linking to a short, entertaining video focused on a different topic relating to compliance and ethics. Our goal is to help reinforce ADP's Code of Business Conduct & Ethics and make associates aware of ADP's compliance programs and initiatives. To kick off the week and learn more, we invite each associate to watch a short introductory video delivered by ADP's VP Global Compliance and VP Corproate Ethics. The video topics are listed below. Code of Business Conduct & Ethics Giving and Receiving Gifts Privacy and Information Security ADP Confidential Information and Trade Secrets; Information Security Reporting Perceived Violations and Non-Retaliation. 

Parkside Psychiatric Hospital & Clinic   - We are sending out emails related to compliance and ethics topics. We have had daily activities with small prizes. We have a week-long activity with a bigger prize. Our activities are designed to reinforce our compliance training and also to increase awareness of the importance of compliance within our organization.  

Sequel Youth and Family Services - We have fun educational activities designed for each day, Nov. 2-6, to celebrate Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week. Staff can access these activities via our staff portal. Prizes will be awarded to those who meet the prize criteria. 

Sigma Pensions Limited  - Our theme for this year is "My Attitude, My Strength; My Attitude my Weakness". For this year, we will have cash gifts for the first correct response to a number of Compliance and Ethical questions asked on each working day of the week. In addition, the Compliance team will circulate short write ups and quotes on the importance of attitude to our business. 

Generali Group  - We’re pleased to announce Integrity Week - a global initiative across all of Generali Group from 2-6 November. Integrity Week builds on the good work we’ve all done to put Business Ethics and Integrity at the top of Generali’s agenda. Its coordinated events will tell employees more about the tools we have to promote our culture of integrity. As we reach the busy end-of-year period, Integrity Week is a good time to check that all our employees have completed our Code of Conduct eLearning course and extra support to complete the course will be available from Compliance offices during the week. With the festive season approaching, Integrity Week is also a good time to remind ourselves of our Gifts & Entertainment Policy, and the tools available to help us manage gifts and entertainment appropriately. Events during Integrity Week include: On-line and Totem/poster campaigns advertising Integrity Hubs where staff can learn about sustaining our culture of integrity; watch videos explaining points covered by our Code; and pick up an Our Code Notebook - so they always have our Code of Conduct to hand. Ethics Ambassadors will be present to talk about our Code and answer any questions or concerns. 'Let’s Talk Ethics' Coffee Breaks will provide a chance to discuss our Business Integrity Program with a Compliance Officer. Flip charts inviting staff to complete the sentence " Compliance is...." will be deployed in reception areas..... and many more local initiatives in all our operations around the world. 

FirstCare Health Plans  

United Church Homes and Services  - Posters will be placed in our communities. Employees will receive wrist bands with theme. Each community has selected two individuals that will be recognized for their work in compliance and ethics. They will each receive a card and $75 worth of gift certificates.  

Mary Washington Healthcare  - This year Mary Washington Healthcare will celebrate Corporate Compliance and Ethics week by holding our first annual Compliance Cup. All Associates will be invited to complete an online quiz containing various compliance-related topics and scenarios; completed quizzes will be entered to win a prize and a Compliance Cup trophy.

ON Semiconductor  - This is the second year we are celebrating. We are a global company with over 24,000 employees, many who speak English as a second language. We will be leveraging our Compliance and Ethics Committee as well as our Compliance and Ethics Liaisons (CELs) to be an extension of our global messaging. Prior to the week, we will be discussing final plans with our CELs during this week's global conference and send a launch email from our Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer. During the global compliance week, we will be posting on our social media channels, through daily messaging which includes scenarios and motivational quotes. Material for site monitors will be distributed and made available. Many of our CELs will lead site-wide lunch and learns or informational sessions. Following the week, will be highlighting events in our global newsletter that is distributed to all employees and through our global quarterly meeting led by our CEO.

The LOGS Group, LLC - This is our department's first year celebrating Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week. We are beginning by sending each of our locations nationwide a care package. The package contains a banner that reads "Compliance Begins with YOU!" and several inspirational compliance posters. We are also including a document that offers them ideas for celebrating locally. Each morning, we will send an email "Tip of the Day" and we will have several compliance focused games throughout the week with prizes. Finally, we are using this opportunity to launch our "Compliance Conversations" town hall style monthly conference calls wherein we will discuss one emerging compliance issue as a group.

Trillium Community Health Plans  - This is the first time in about five years we have celebrated in our organization. We are starting our week with a breakfast meeting, showing a fun video outlining ways employees can report compliance issues. Throughout the week we will have quizzes about compliance issues and staff, as well as surveys and drawings. We are ending our week with a mocktail party, staffed by our Compliance department with compliance themed beverages and snacks. Each member of our staff will receive a Seven Pillars of Compliance certificate of participation and a beautiful calendar which has our reporting hotline number on the bottom of each page. 

Prairie State Generating Company, LLC  - Daily messaging. In person meetings. Note from compliance officer. Pot Luck lunch. Announcing the creation of our compliance and compliance assurance charters.  

Ethical Systems  - As an organization dedicated to raising awareness of ethical systems design and the many benefits of behavioral science research, we will continue to share recent research from the field and redouble our efforts to help make ethics easy for companies and organizations alike.     

Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C.   - This year we are celebrating Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week with a one week, 5-episode podcast we will be posting on our social media sites. It is a spirited dramatization of a billing compliance matter in a typical healthcare organization– acted out by HDJN’s own lawyers and staff. Each day of the week along with the daily podcast episode we will be posting a daily tip regarding compliance. Our podcast as well as compliance tips will be available on our website as well as Facebook and Twitter. Prior to Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week we will be tweeting and posting to Facebook photos of our podcast characters including a few hints about what to expect.     

NetMD Business  - Posters throughout the office will be displayed to show that we are participating in Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week. This is our first year celebrating! We will be integrating different training tools and games throughout the week. Each day, when you have completed the educational task, your name will be entered into a drawing to win different prizes.    

Target Corporation   - We will have internal social media posts, several guest speakers including a white collar criminal, rep from CEB to share online tools and resources, and our CRCO who will provide the 2016 vision for the compliance business area. In addition we will be hosting a happy hour and an open house for compliance teams to share their key projects and how employees can engage with these teams.   

Capital Power Corporation  - Posters and a company-wide communication will announce Capital Power's participation in Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week this year. The main thrust of the week will be the introduction of our new, company-wide Ethics Training module. In addition to this training, we will utilize social media and our company communication tools to raise awareness and disseminate ethics-themed tips and quotes. The week's activities will wrap up with a quiz related to the information that has been presented.  

Roseland Community Hospital  - We will recognize Corporate Compliance & Ethics celebration week with posters, games, information and certificates of awareness. 

The Lash Group - We have a different plan every year and we don't celebrate in November (we celebrate in September). This year, we are: sending out daily emails with simple compliance and privacy messages that we want the organization to remember, updating our compliance intranet site to include new tools and resources we've created to support the organization, and having compliance Meet N Greets during lunch with a compliance game we developed, handouts, prizes, etc. Last year we had great participation and are excited about our next C&E week... 

Florida International University - We will celebrate by hosting a day filled with trainings and activities geared towards awareness of our compliance program. 

Arizona Department of Administration - State Procurement Office - This year we will celebrate Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week (CCEW) with posters which will ramp up attention the week prior. The week of CCEW we will have daily games including word searches and quizzes. These events will culminate on Friday of the week with a Fall/Compliance/Ethics Themed potluck open to all employees in the organization. 

Summit Medical Group- This year we announced the beginning of our Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week in our weekly newsletter with a slogan contest. The Corporate Compliance department will choose a winning slogan and that department will get coffee and breakfast as their prize. Our intranet page banner will have a link to our Corporate Compliance page where every day we will post a different tip along with a game. Every day we will choose a winning employee and they will get a prize. We are kicking off the week with breakfast at our corporate office and every day, throughout the week, we will be visiting a different location and bringing cake to celebrate our staff's commitment to compliance. 

YAIWe are posting various tips, facts, and quotes from YAI's compliance experts on social media throughout the week.

Clackamas County Behavioral Health Division- Clackamas County Behavioral Health Division is engaging staff through 4 main activities. Staff are encouraged to express their thoughts about compliance and ethics by submitting an original poem such as a HIPAA Haiku or an Honest Sonnet. Each day this week staff will receive an email containing 3 examples of fraud, HIPAA or ethics violations in which they need to determine the two truths and a lie. Staff will also receive our annual training on fraud, waste and abuse. In order to increase awareness and get staff comfortable using our new policy management staff will engage in a scavenger hunt in our system.

AvMed- AvMed is pleased to participate in this year’s Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week celebrating the theme: “Awareness, Recognition, and Reinforcement”. We will distribute a daily email from the Compliance Department. Our CEO will introduce the celebration on Monday and share an ethics quote, and following that, one of our senior leaders will share a favorite ethics quote each day. All communications will highlight the importance of Compliance and Ethics at AvMed and include a daily compliance message, a link to a poster containing an ethics quote, a link to a short compliance video, and a daily themed trivia game for Awareness of our Code of Conduct and Compliance Hotline, Recognition for our Training Successes, and Reinforcement for Safeguarding PHI. We will close the celebration on Friday with remarks from our President reminding all associate that Compliance is everyone’s responsibility every day.

Alliance Health- This is our sixth year of celebrating Compliance & Ethics Week at Alliance Health. Through the years we have celebrated by unlocking Compliance Escape Rooms, playing Compliance Jeopardy and the Compliance Pyramid Gameshow at all offices. We bring hot chocolate, cookies or other treats, Office of Compliance Team bio boards, and employees win prizes for participating in various virtual or in-person activities. Two years ago we created a "It Takes Two" music video featuring the entire staff from Office of Compliance, the CEO and a popular mascot from one of our local universities, teaching employees that it takes two fingers to lock your computer before leaving it unattended (windows + L). It was a hit and it has been replayed at each New Employee Orientation since then. This year employees are invited to a Compliance and Ethics Scavenger Hunt and the Compliance Office is popping in at all locations with a few reminders and a special treat (popcorn).

Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine- HJF is proud to join SCCE in celebrating Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week 2019. Our Ethics and Compliance Team started the week off with a meet and greet with breakfast treats in our building lobby, promoting Ethics and Compliance in our organization. During the week we highlight integrity moments on our internal web site’s “Top News” to increase employee awareness. All week employees can play a compliance-themed word search, with a chance to win several raffle prizes drawn at the conclusion of the week from completed submissions. We end our week with another meet and great afternoon sweet, in our lobby after lunch. HJF’s Ethics and Compliance Team is excited for this opportunity to celebrate and connect with our colleagues located both stateside and internationally.

HJF, a global, nonprofit organization created in 1983 to offer scientific, administrative and program management services to the military medical community. HJF’s values honesty and integrity; dignity and respect; and excellence and innovation.

Fair Haven Community Health Clinic, Inc.- This year marks the 7th annual celebration of Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week at Fair Haven Community Health Care, which is a Federally Qualified Health Center located in southeastern Connecticut. All staff will receive a quiz. To participate, staff can either answer the quiz's ten (10) questions or write in a Compliance- or Privacy-related question. Participants' names will be entered into a raffle for an Amazon gift card. Depending on the level of staff participation, up to three (3) gift cards will be awarded. This quiz will also be reviewed with our Board of Directors at the Board's Nov. 2020 meeting. Feedback from the quiz will be analyzed as we develop our Calendar Year 2021 Corporate Compliance Work Plan.

Sutherland Global Services- In celebration of the Compliance week, the Corporate Ethics team at Sutherland Global Services launched the 'Nominate an Ethics and Integrity Champion' program inviting nominations from employees for co-workers who have exhibited Winning Behaviors and are role models when it comes matters relating to ethics and integrity. Winners will be rewarded with exciting gadgets along with a signed note from the CHRO and CFO. The response so far has been overwhelming!

Paragon 28- We held a week-long event, announced by a joint statement on our culture of compliance by our CEO and CCO. For the duration of the week, we hung posters with aspirational ethical quotes, the Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program and information about our Compliance Hotline. Each day, we held a HIPAA/GDPR “scavenger hunt” with small prizes to the winner along with a company-wide email blast to explain the fictional rule violations. On the finale day, we held a “Compliance Carnival” with games and prizes geared towards our Code of Conduct and compliance policies. Each department manager spearheaded employee attendance with participation at almost 100%.

Montefiore Nyack Hospital- Set up educational tables with informational handouts. Opportunity to enter in a raffle after taking a "quiz". Using give out promotional pens with compliance hotline printed on them.

Asserto RSC- For the second year in a row, we are supporting SCCE's Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week by offering training. In this 30 minute webinar entitled: "Aligning the ethical code" we will talk about the essentials that an ethical code should have. The topic will be presented in Spanish, and at a basic level. In this way we aim to spread the knowledge to more people who do not know about a topic as important as ethics. And, incidentally encourage more people to do the right thing.In 2020 we are celebrating our third annual "I heart Compliance: Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week" virtually across the company with a reinvention of our events and activities. We will host a "fireside chat" on Microsoft Teams with our Chief Compliance Officer. During the chat we will award our first cohort of Champions in our Lead the Way program which recognizes ethical superstars across the company. We are also holding a "Show us your compliant coworkers" photo submission where employees submit photos of their pets, kids, houseplants, and other at-home "coworkers" doing ethically appropriate activities, such as protecting confidential information or preparing for family emergencies with a to-go kit. In addition, we are hosting digital games such as Compliance bingo and a scavenger hunt. After the week is over, we will send "Certificates of Awesome" to participating employees. Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week also coincides with the release of our company-wide Code of Business Conduct Training and Certification for 2020.

Qualcomm Inc- In 2020 we are celebrating our third annual "I heart Compliance: Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week" virtually across the company with a reinvention of our events and activities. We will host a "fireside chat" on Microsoft Teams with our Chief Compliance Officer. During the chat we will award our first cohort of Champions in our Lead the Way program which recognizes ethical superstars across the company. We are also holding a "Show us your compliant coworkers" photo submission where employees submit photos of their pets, kids, houseplants, and other at-home "coworkers" doing ethically appropriate activities, such as protecting confidential information or preparing for family emergencies with a to-go kit. In addition, we are hosting digital games such as Compliance bingo and a scavenger hunt. After the week is over, we will send "Certificates of Awesome" to participating employees. Ethics & Compliance Awareness Week also coincides with the release of our company-wide Code of Business Conduct Training and Certification for 2020.

SNC Lavalin- Our third annual Integrity Week will be celebrated on five continents with regional and global online events designed to highlight our Integrity Program and the integrity tools and resources available to our employees, raise awareness of important and topical Integrity issues, and give recognition to those employees who have gone above and beyond in their duty to maintain our company value of integrity. There will be interactive sessions lead by Subject Matter Experts, and fresh content daily on our intranet, including: program highlights and articles (focusing on Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking, Data Compliance, and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion), integrity ambassador profiles, integrity award winners, quizzes and videos, and lunch & learns & regional townhall meetings. We take this opportunity to both celebrate a culture we are all proud of, and to remind ourselves how our values as a company define who we are and what we do every day.

Pfizer- North Africa- The Pfizer North Africa Cluster will join the celebration of Compliance & Ethics Week in November, kicking off with a Compliance Town Hall lead by our Management, and a panel discussion with the Leadership Team. The rest of the week will include compliance training sessions, information sessions, daily Compliance quizzes and video communications.

New York Proton Center- We send an overall message from the CEO to all employees, we have a banner announcing the week on our intranet and we play a series of games that have HCCA prizes for winners.

Protenus- Our team participates in Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week in honor of our clients--the healthcare compliance teams across the country that combine the power of artificial intelligence with their great expertise and leadership to ensure a culture of compliance throughout their organizations. These professionals ensure their institutions work efficiently, reduce risk, and maintain the trust of patients who seek care within their hospitals and health systems. To celebrate these professionals, we will be hosting two educational webinars, one on Privacy Threats in Healthcare and another on Identifying and Investigating Diversion of Controlled Substances in Hospitals. Our team will also be rolling out a new and im proved internal compliance program and hosting internal information sessions on various compliance and ethics topics for Protenus employees throughout the week.

FairWarning- Highlighting on social media; promoting relevant assets.

JSSA- For the 1st year ever, JSSA will celebrate Compliance & Ethics Week, November 1st – 7th, 2020. This is our way of showing that compliance is rewarding and everyone can enjoy promoting honest and ethical behavior. We have a week full of virtual games, integrity awards, quizzes, and even a Scavenger Hunt! And lots of Prizes too!

FullBloom- FullBloom and its operating divisions, Catapult Learning, Specialized Education Services, and Little Leaves, are excited to be participating in their first National Ethics and Compliance Week Celebration. The week will be packed with virtual and interactive educational videos, games, and other activities, starting with a welcome video from CEO Jeff Cohen setting the tone . Next is the re-launch of the Code of Business Ethics, during which mandatory company-wide training on the Code will take place in the form of a virtual scavenger hunt. Plus, each day employees will receive an email with a fun 90-second video on an issue relating to an ethical dilemma that occur s in the workplace, followed by an opportunity to win prizes for submitting correct answers. Employees may also participate in the Compliance-In-Action Photo Contest. Photos will be shared at the conclusion of the celebration in a company-wide compliance video.

SuperCare Health- SuperCare Health is focusing on being compliant in the current times of the public health emergency. During this week, SuperCare Health will be having team members take a quiz on the Code of Conduct and will be eligible for prizes. Throughout the week, trivia and pop quizzes will be provided through announcements on the company intranet and emails from the compliance officer. Team members will also submit compliance selfies for prizes.

Lifespan- Our Compliance Week Team in Corporate Compliance developed a virtual celebration. This includes a series of educational announcements on our intranet. Additionally, the team developed educational postcards to be given out by executive leaders at their respective sites with a giveaway door opener tool printed with our Confidential Employee Response Line Phone Number and Intranet site for workforce member education.

Midland Health- This year Midland Health will celebrate corporate compliance and ethics week via daily email flyers sent to all employees. The kick-off email will be sent Friday, October 30th which will emphasize the history of the celebration. The daily email flyer will include a compliance and ethics quote while highlighting various subjects. The highlighted subjects will include: “Midland Health Code of Conduct,” “Staying HIPAA Compliant,” “Ethical Principles,” “Social Media Conduct,” “Conflict of Interest,” and “HIPAA Question & Answer.” Every department manager is encouraged to post the flyer within their department.

WhistleBlower Security Inc.- We will be sharing on social networks, blogging, polling, and communicating within our communities as much as possible. We will be encouraging all our employees to do the same.

Partners Health Management- Partners has participated each year in National Corporate Compliance and Ethics (C&E) for the past 7 years. This has helped to enhance our Compliance Program and further bring awareness to these critically important topics. Although we have the additional challenge of COVID19 this year, it is no exception and our team have a variety of remote and socially distanced activities lined up for the week. From virtual trainings like our "How to Catch a Phish" sessions, to the virtual scavenger hunt, daily C&E tips and other various activities, we are excited to bring these and more engaging activities to our Team. Have a safe and successful C&E week all!

Companion Care of Rochester- This was our first year celebrating Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week at CCOR. We had a newsletter article with educational material about our Compliance Program, and Blog on the company website introducing our Quality Assurance Team, daily games, a virtual Compliance Trivia Game, and a Compliance Quiz about the elements of an effective compliance program. We have been keeping track of the points employees have earned, and will be naming a "Compliance Champion" at the end of the week!

Southern California Edison- We held six live events that employees could RSVP for. Three of them were brown bag sessions around our compliance programs which consisted of a panel discussion of SMEs or 1-2 presenters. The other two events were game days: a Jeopardy-style game done via PowerPoint with a live buzz-in tool and the other used the Kahoot platform which automatically tracked speed and accuracy for the trivia questions. Virtual prize packs were given to the winners along with a shout-out on Yammer, our company social media. We also had self-paced activities for those who couldn't attend live events, including a crossword puzzle, digital scavenger hunt (online quiz), and a photo hunt (e.g., What compliance issues do you see with this photo?). Compliance Week was publicized via our home page intranet, digital screens in office buildings, Yammer, and email to targeted lists.